聯合大地工程顧問股份有限公司創立於民國71年,係由國內八大工程單位:中華工程、中華顧問工程司、中國石油、中鼎工程、亞新工程顧問、榮民工程事業管理處、中興工程顧問社及臺灣電力公司,為共同提昇國內工程技術所聯合投資創設。目前投資單位為退除役官兵輔導委員會、公司員工及其他自然人,公司董事會由投資法人及股東代表所組成,董事互推一人為董事長,現任董事長為王美娜女士,總經理為孫荔珍先生。公司歷年來陸續聘用國內外優秀青年工程人才,多年來參與國內重大工程之調查、規劃、設計、專案管理與監造工作之經驗累積,同時在技術品質系統要求下,亦通過ISO 9001之認證,確實執行品質管理政策,提升工程技術水準。
United Geotech, Inc. was founded in 1982 and has participated several major national projects and special project’s, planning , design, and supervision works, undertaking the technical challenge and continuously developing new engineering method and technology, also making efforts to advance and create engineering. United Geotech, Inc. with its cumulative engineering design experience gained through the various major infrastructures for many years, has grown steadily into a multi-disciplinary consulting firm over the years, with increasing staff at each level. Currently, United Geotech, Inc. has large number of employees who come from many different special fields with B.S or M.S degrees, possessive professional skills and hands-on experience in their respective fields. United Geotech, Inc. has a very stringent quality control program and is certified through ISO 9001 quality assurance program.
With innovative spirit, United Geotech, Inc. continuously provides creative designs and analysis which cope well with the state-of-the-art construction technology, and makes excellent use of latest software and hardware facilities to complete all tasks satisfactorily in term of efficiency, safety, economy and practicability. All works including planning, design, sketching/drafting, and construction management have been computerized to form a powerful system network. With our reputation for high-quality work and project team work, we shall continuously provide our clients, either local or overseas, with time efficient and cost-effective solutions that fully meet their needs.